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5 Reasons to Partner with a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP)
Article Last Updated: February 2022
Cloud services make many things easier, but it’s important to find the right solutions for your organization. Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partners help organizations through the process of planning and deployment and then continue as your go-to for support and advice. A CSP enables a business to confidently make the transition to the cloud, keep customers happy, and have a seamless experience along the way.
What is a Cloud Solution Provider?
A Cloud Solution Provider is a company that offers cloud-based infrastructure, networks, and software. Some examples of major CSPs are Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud; there are others too. Convverge is a partner in the Microsoft Cloud Provider program.
What is the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Program?
The Microsoft CSP program enables partners, like Convverge, to offer Microsoft cloud services to customers. The CSP model is designed to add value to your cloud experience via support, billing flexibility, and advice. With this program, a customer effectively has a pay-as-you-go consumption arrangement and personalized access to Microsoft expertise. Today, Microsoft is shifting away from individualized service and is encouraging and referring companies to work with CSPs, like Convverge. Cloud adoption requires the utmost care in planning and deployment and working with a CSP provides many advantages and benefits.
What are the Benefits of Working with a Cloud Solution Provider?
There are numerous benefits to working with a CSP, but the following are the five most important:
- Flexibility: This is probably the biggest benefit to our customers – only pay for what your business wants or uses. For example, say you typically held 700 licenses, but wanted to step that up by 50 licenses temporarily for a special project, and then drop it down again two months later – you easily do that. With the cloud, you are billed in a completely logical way that follows your license usage – 700 per month, then 750 for two months, and then back to 700. In the case of Azure, you simply pay for what you used the previous month, much like a phone bill.
- Monthly Billing: Each month you receive a bill for the Office 365 licenses you are using and/or the Azure consumption you used. No need to use your credit card anymore. Also, there are no upfront licensing costs, unlike traditional licensing options (enterprise agreements, etc.). If you prefer annual billing, let’s chat.
- Discounts: Going the CSP route opens up the opportunity for you to receive discounts on your Microsoft services and licensing. This is a huge upside from pay-as-you-go services obtained directly from Microsoft. CSP partners like Convverge need to take on a level of support, billing, and license/subscription management duties, but discounts are available across most Microsoft Cloud services and licensing options.
- Personalized Support: As a CSP provider, we become your primary point of contact and receive your support calls regarding your Microsoft services. Where necessary, we will deal directly with Microsoft on your behalf, where our support requests are returned and addressed promptly – usually in hours. As your CSP partner, we are the point of contact in case of a problem (technical and billing & subscription support), which relieves you of this task.
- Expert Advice and Guidance: As you are already likely aware, Microsoft’s service offerings and licensing can be complex. With Convverge as your CSP, you get one partner looking after all your Microsoft cloud licenses. This way, you can draw on our expertise and skills to enable you to maximize your technology investment.
Cloud Solution Provider FAQs
Do I still maintain admin control of my tenant?
Yes, you still have full admin control over your Office 365 tenancy and Azure subscriptions.
Who Invoices Me?
Convverge will invoice you monthly. We get invoiced indirectly from Microsoft every month for all the CSP spending attributable to our customers. We just take this data and generate an invoice for your specific spending.
Can I Migrate Existing Azure Services to CSP Azure?
Yes. When migrating we start by undertaking a review of your environment to understand if there are areas that will not easily move. We then schedule some engineering time to move you to the new subscription. This would all aim to be done without loss of service. We always discuss options for items that are not so easily moved between Azure subscriptions.
Can I License My On-premises Licenses through the CSP Program?
No. Currently, you can only license cloud services through the CSP program.
Can I Change Cloud Solution Providers?
Yes, you are free to transfer to any other provider of your choice, at any time. However, we hope the complimentary services offered by Convverge are of value to you, and therefore encourage you to stay.
Can I Leave a CSP?
Yes, since CSP is a monthly subscription you can join CSP any day, during any month of the calendar year, and likewise, you can stop participating at any time. *Remember, working with a CSP gives you the flexibility to alter your subscription, in numbers and services, per month.
How Do I Sign Up?
Additional Insights + Resources:
• Cloud Computing Solutions for Business