Image showing Cloud Computing Solutions for Business

Benefits of Cloud Computing Solutions for Business

Cloud computing solutions for business are here to stay. It is the direction of modern business and IT infrastructure. Don’t believe it? It’s true. Global spending on cloud services was expected to be $332 billion in 2021, a growth rate of 23% over 2020, and in 2022 spending is expected to grow another 20% according to Gartner, a leading tech-based research company and consulting firm. (1)

Why so much spending? Cloud computing solutions for business are the competitive advantage that more and more organizations are getting on board with.  The cloud is the first big step to being a digital business and it is proving to lower operating costs, help businesses run more efficiently, and make it easier to scale as things change.

Before we look at the top benefits of cloud computing, let us cover some basic definitions to help with this conversation:

What is cloud computing?

It’s quite simple really, cloud computing is the offering of computing services— such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”).  It makes for faster innovation, and the ability to be flexible and easily scale. With cloud computing, you only pay for what you use.

What are cloud computing platforms?

A cloud computing platform is a catch-all term to describe the package of cloud services a provider offers. As mentioned above Microsoft Azure is one leading cloud computing platform with 200+ products and services, but there are more. For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, and Adobe are other big players in the cloud computing space.

What is traditional IT infrastructure?

If the cloud is the offering of computing services over the Internet, then a simple way to think about traditional IT infrastructure is those same offerings (e.g., servers, storage, databases, software…) being located on-premises in your office or another secure location. While a traditional IT approach still works and is supported by in-house teams and/or Managed Service Providers (MSP), it is an approach that is slowing down because it isn’t offering the same flexibility as cloud solutions.

Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Computing Solutions for Business

  1. Digital Strategy – The next era of business is digital. The goal is to move faster, be more flexible, and make real-time data-driven decisions. To do this, future-minded infrastructure – the cloud – is needed for a solid foundation. It is a modern approach that comes with all sorts of services offerings that lead to digital advantages. Use new applications in your business to automate processes, tap into advanced data strategies, and leverage technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and IoT.  Without the cloud, digital business strategy will be limited, and the adoption of new technologies will be slower and more expensive.
  2. Flexibility, Scalability & Cost Savings – Pay for what you need and easily adapt and leverage the latest technology. Cloud services are based on a licensing model which is a real shift in mindset over the capital expenses of physical hardware and software, not to mention the indirect costs that go into maintaining it all. With licensing, you pay for what you use and always have the latest and greatest in place. This way, when life throws you a curveball and you need to ramp up (or down) the cloud quickly adjusts with you and meets current needs.
  3. Productivity – With the cloud, it is simple to integrate modern, future-ready ideas. Things, like building custom business apps, automating business processes, communications, or working from anywhere with any device, are all possible. Productivity and collaboration don’t face the speedbumps or workarounds that legacy setups require.
  4. Business Insights – Your data is the driver of your decisions, and your success. Does your data come to you in real-time? Or is it hidden in spreadsheets and rooted in lagging reporting cycles? With the foundation of the cloud, a modern data strategy is possible. With data modernization, you will maximize the use of timely business data with interactive and visual dashboards that anyone on your team can quickly read and make better decisions from.
  5. Security – If the question of security is holding you back from moving to the cloud, it’s worth noting that cloud platform providers are heavily invested in security and protection. Why? Frankly, their reputation and success depend on it. Without top-notch security and protection being offered, they wouldn’t be in business. That’s why Microsoft invests over $1 billion annually on security, and they aren’t the only provider doing that level of funding. (2)

If everything we say here is true, why isn’t everyone in the cloud yet? Companies are getting on board quickly with cloud solutions, as the numbers shared earlier highlight, but it requires buy-in and learning. Cloud computing is a big topic and is a new technology that isn’t always understood and that’s scary, even for the tech-savvy people in your life. The truth of the matter is cloud computing solutions are here to stay and transforming how many are doing business. If your business isn’t talking about the cloud, it’s time to ask why?

Cloud Services & Migration | MS Azure Consulting Services

It is a strategic move to make sense of everything the cloud can do for you. Support from an experienced cloud services provider will make sure you’re doing it right. Convverge is a cloud solutions provider that focuses on Microsoft and is proud to be a gold-level partner. We offer several specialties including MS Azure consulting services and migration support. Our Azure consultants are experts in cloud solutions for business. Every day they help navigate the options and ensure businesses are set up correctly, migrating with minimal disruptions, and double-checking to ensure you’re going in the best direction for a digital future.  Let’s connect.

Noted Resources:
(1) Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Grow 23% 
(2) What Is Cloud Computing? A Beginner’s Guide | Microsoft Azure

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