Centralize documents and employee resources

SharePoint is a collaboration platform and intranet solution that includes tools for facilitating teamwork, streamlining business processes, and enhancing productivity. It serves as a central hub within the organization for content management, document sharing, and workflow automation. Convverge assists with SharePoint integration and ongoing management, ensuring that teams are able to connect and share information securely. Custom functionality can be added, to meet specific business needs.

What SharePoint can do

Key Features & Benefits

SharePoint enhances organizational efficiency while safeguarding sensitive data.

Efficient Document Management

Provides a robust enterprise content management system where users can store, organize, and access documents in a central repository — with version control, sensitivity labels, retention rules, and document tracking.

Collaborative Workspaces

Enables teams to collaborate together utilizing intranets, Teams, Viva and other tools to share updates, and manage projects effectively, leveraging features like shared calendars, task lists, and news feeds.

Workflow Automation

Reduces manual tasks and errors — from approval processes to document review and feedback loops — by automating routine business processes with built-in workflows.

Security & Compliance

Protects sensitive information in compliance with regulations and data protection standards, using features like data loss prevention (DLP) and information rights management (IRM).

How we can help

SharePoint professional services

Convverge assists businesses with SharePoint, from initial setup to the development of bespoke features.

SharePoint Implementation

Convverge specializes in the setup and configuration of SharePoint, including the creation of site structures, assignment of team member permissions, and organization of document libraries. Our team ensures that SharePoint is tailored to your organization’s needs, facilitating efficient collaboration and information management.

Customization & Development

We offer customization and development services to enhance SharePoint’s functionality and align it with your organization’s specific requirements. From creating custom web features and templates to developing workflows, our experts tailor SharePoint to suit your business processes and preferences, maximizing its effectiveness and usability.

Migration Services

Convverge provides seamless migration services to transfer data from legacy systems or earlier versions of SharePoint to the latest environment. Our meticulous approach ensures data integrity and continuity, minimizing disruptions and ensuring a smooth transition to the new SharePoint environment.

Training & User Adoption

We offer comprehensive training sessions to educate users about SharePoint’s features, capabilities, and best practices. Our training programs promote user adoption and proficiency, empowering your team to leverage SharePoint effectively for improved collaboration and productivity.


Convverge helps organizations establish robust governance policies and practices to ensure the effective management and utilization of SharePoint. From defining user roles and permissions to implementing content management strategies, our governance solutions promote compliance, security, and efficient information management within the SharePoint environment.

SharePoint FAQs

What is Microsoft SharePoint, and how does it differ from other document and content management systems?

SharePoint is a collaboration platform that goes beyond document management, offering features for team collaboration, workflow automation, and custom application development. SharePoint is included with most basic licensing plans, eliminating the need for 3rd party solutions.

Can SharePoint be accessed remotely, and is it suitable for remote work?

Yes, SharePoint is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, making it ideal for remote work and collaboration among distributed teams.

How does SharePoint enhance security and compliance?

SharePoint includes features like data loss prevention (DLP) and information rights management (IRM) to protect sensitive data. It also provides auditing and compliance features to help organizations adhere to regulations.

What kind of workflows can be automated in SharePoint?

SharePoint supports a wide range of workflows, from approval processes to document routing, making it versatile for automating various business processes.

Is SharePoint suitable for small businesses, or is it primarily for enterprises?

SharePoint is suitable for organizations of all sizes. It offers scalable solutions, allowing small businesses to benefit from its collaboration and productivity features.

Can SharePoint integrate with other Microsoft tools and third-party applications?

Yes, SharePoint integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 apps and offers connectors for various third-party applications, ensuring a connected digital workplace.

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Are you interested in what Microsoft Sharepoint can do for your business?


Convverge serves clients worldwide from our offices in three major Canadian cities.


Suite 920, 150 9th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3H9


701 W Georgia St #1500

Vancouver, BC, V7V 1G5


2967 Dundas St W #655

Toronto, ON, M6P 1Z2