Reach the next level of data-driven decision-making

Power BI is a business analytics tool that enables data visualization and sharing. Organizations select data sources and then present that data as interactive dashboards and reports that can be embedded in an app or website. Convverge assists with Power BI, to make the most of its business intelligence capabilities, including tools for data preparation, data discovery, and presentation options.

What Power BI can do

Key Features & Benefits

Power BI enhances business intelligence with consolidated data views and timely insights.

Rich Data Visualization

Offers a wide range of visualization tools that turns complex data into reports and dashboards.

Data Integration

Collects data from various sources, aggregates it, and displays a unified view of information.

Real-Time Analytics

Provides the capability to analyze data in real-time, helping businesses to make timely decisions.

Ease of Use

Enables non-technical users to create reports and gain insights, with a user-friendly interface.

How we can help

Power BI professional services

Convverge boosts business intelligence with Power BI solutions, analytics and strategic support.

Strategic Power BI Consulting

Expert guidance for leveraging Power BI to its fullest potential — aligning its capabilities with your business objectives and data strategy.

Custom Report & Dashboard Design

Bespoke reports and interactive dashboards tailored to deliver clear insights and drive informed decisions, according to your business needs.

Data Integration

Integration of diverse data sources — even in complex data environments — while ensuring accuracy and consistency for unified analysis.

Comprehensive Training & Support

Training sessions that enhance your team’s Power BI proficiency, plus ongoing support that ensures prompt issue resolution.

Data Modelling & Analysis

Sophisticated data models that turn raw data into actionable insights, with detailed analysis, trend spotting, and predictive analytics.

Security & Compliance

Safeguards for your data, while ensuring that your Power BI solutions adhere to industry standards and internal data security policies.

Performance Optimization

Analysis and performance optimization of BI solutions to ensure they operate efficiently — even with large or complex datasets.

Advanced Analytics

Incorporation of features such as AI and machine learning, to provide deeper insights and foresight into business trends and patterns.

Power BI Governance

Governance models for your Power BI environment, to manage data effectively, control access, and maintain data quality company-wide.

Data Visualization Best Practices

Utilization of best practices to ensure that your reports and dashboards are not only informative, but also intuitive and engaging for end-users.

Power BI FAQs

What types of data sources can Power BI connect to?

Power BI can connect to a wide range of data sources, including cloud-based and on-premises data sources.

Can Power BI be integrated with other Microsoft products?

Yes, Power BI integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products like Excel, Azure, and Dynamics 365.

Is Power BI suitable for large enterprises?

Absolutely, Power BI scales to meet the needs of large enterprises, handling large volumes of data and complex reporting requirements.

How secure is Power BI?

Power BI adheres to Microsoft’s robust security protocols, ensuring data protection and compliance with industry standards.

Can I share Power BI reports with people who don’t have Power BI?

Yes, reports can be shared via Power BI service, published to the web, or integrated into other applications.

What is the difference between Power BI Desktop and Power BI Pro?

Power BI Desktop is a free application for report creation, while Power BI Pro is a subscription service with more advanced features, including collaboration and sharing capabilities.

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Are you interested in what Power BI can do for your business?


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Suite 920, 150 9th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3H9


701 W Georgia St #1500

Vancouver, BC, V7V 1G5


2967 Dundas St W #655

Toronto, ON, M6P 1Z2