Solid strategies for gaining deep insights

Convverge brings extensive experience and expertise to the Mining & Materials sector. Our work is characterized by a deep understanding of the industry’s unique challenges and a commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology for optimal results. Our case studies provide a testament to our success in driving digital innovation in this field.

Convverge helps businesses in the mining industry achieve positive outcomes 

Safety Improvement

Safety is a top priority in mining. According to the World Gold Council, the mining industry has made significant strides in safety but still faces challenges. Implementing IT solutions to enhance safety remains a critical objective.

Operational Efficiency

The mining sector is under constant pressure to improve operational efficiency. A McKinsey report highlights that embracing digital technologies can lead to a 15-20% reduction in mining operational costs.

Environmental Sustainability

The mining industry faces growing scrutiny regarding its environmental impact. A study by ICMM reveals that 22% of the mining industry’s energy use is from renewable sources, showcasing the need for greener solutions.

Charting a Sustainable Future: Convverge’s ESG Solution for Mining

Discover how Convverge empowered a Canadian gold mining company with an ESG Power App and Power BI Dashboards, revolutionizing their approach to sustainability reporting and decision-making, enhancing transparency, and fostering environmental stewardship in the mining industry.


Why work with Convverge?

In the Mining & Materials sector, embracing technology is not just an option; it’s a strategic imperative. Convverge specializes in tailoring IT solutions that address the industry’s key challenges, from enhancing safety and operational efficiency to promoting environmental sustainability.

Are you ready to transform your mining operations for the future? Contact Convverge today, and let’s embark on a journey to improve safety, optimize efficiency, and embrace sustainable practices in the mining and materials industry. The future of mining starts with Convverge.

Ready to dig into digital solutions for the mining industry?

Our Services

Let our experts be your industry advantage.

Professional Services

Drawing on a wealth of experience with best practices and emerging technologies, Convverge can tailor services to your needs — from creating a plan, to creating custom applications.

Managed Services

Convverge manages Microsoft’s full suite of cloud technology services for your business — including 24/7 cloud operations support, security, optimization, and strategic consulting.

Our Partner

you can trust

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner, Convverge has a high-level of expertise with Microsoft technologies for business. These include Business Applications, Data & AI, Digital & App Innovation, Infrastructure, Security, and Modern Workplace.

Ready to dig into digital solutions for the mining industry?


Convverge serves clients worldwide from our offices in three major Canadian cities.


Suite 920, 150 9th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3H9


701 W Georgia St #1500

Vancouver, BC, V7V 1G5


2967 Dundas St W #655

Toronto, ON, M6P 1Z2