Team Spotlight: Ashley Trevelyan 

We are delighted to announce that Ashley Trevelyan, one of our most experienced and talented project managers, has been promoted to the role of Director of Client Success at Convverge. This is a well-deserved recognition of Ashley’s outstanding contributions to our team and our clients. Today, we want to celebrate Ashley’s achievements and share with you why she is the perfect fit for this position. 

A Leader in Agile Methodologies and Digital Innovation 

Ashley Trevelyan is not just a project manager; she is a leader in Agile methodologies and digital innovation who delivers exceptional results for our clients. With a strong background in SAP and a passion for cutting-edge technology, Ashley has a wealth of knowledge and experience that she leverages to create innovative solutions for complex challenges. Her ability to balance professionalism with a positive, engaging environment exemplifies how work at Convverge can be both impactful and enjoyable. 

A Champion of Convverge Values 

Ashley embodies Convverge’s core values through her dynamic approach to customer success. Here’s how she demonstrates what we stand for: 

Create Successful Customers 

Ashley’s client-centric focus is at the heart of her leadership style. She understands that a great customer experience is paramount and goes above and beyond to ensure that our clients succeed. Her dedication to enabling client success directly translates to Convverge’s success, making her an invaluable asset to our team. 

Operate with Integrity 

With unwavering candor, honesty, and respect, Ashley communicates both internally and externally with the utmost integrity. Her straightforward approach ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page, fostering trust and transparency in every project she handles. 

Support Each Other 

Ashley is known for her supportive nature and empathy. She shows up for her colleagues every day, bringing her authentic self to work and creating a nurturing environment where everyone feels valued. Her supportive attitude extends to clients as well, making her well-loved by both our team and those we serve. 

Have Fun! Enjoy the Technology 

Ashley’s wonderful sense of humor and love for technology make her a joy to work with. She believes that having fun at work is essential and that everyone benefits when we exhibit our passion for technology through our projects. Her positive energy is contagious, inspiring others to find joy in their work. 

Develop Our People 

Ashley’s commitment to personal development and professional learning is evident in everything she does. She constantly seeks opportunities to grow and encourages her team to do the same. Her leadership fosters an environment of continuous improvement, ensuring that both our team members and clients thrive. 

A Visionary for Client Success 

Ashley’s client-centric focus is not just a professional attribute; it’s a personal passion. She is deeply invested in understanding each client’s unique needs and delivering tailored solutions that drive their success. Her approach is characterized by responsiveness, attentiveness, and a genuine desire to help clients achieve their goals. 

A Role Model for Clients and Team 

Ashley’s dynamic approach and wonderful sense of humor make her a role model for both clients and colleagues. She has a knack for making even the most challenging projects enjoyable, creating a positive and productive atmosphere. Her ability to connect with people on a personal level ensures that clients feel valued and respected, fostering long-lasting relationships built on trust and mutual success. 


At Convverge, we unite people with technology to nurture growth and success, and Ashley Trevelyan exemplifies this mission perfectly. Her expertise, client-centric focus, and vibrant personality make her an indispensable part of our team. We are proud to have Ashley leading our client success initiatives and embodying the values that make Convverge a great place to work and a trusted partner for our clients. 

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