Exposing the Top 4 Myths of Cloud Security

One in five organizations have lost customers as a result of a cyberattack. Nearly 30% have lost revenue, with the average cost of a single data breach reported to be $4 million.  At the same time, 74% of IT leaders say security concerns hold them back from moving to the cloud. What about you? Security breaches and their business impact make the headlines frequently, underscoring the need for more stringent security. 

Get the real story. Here are four common myths about cloud security and facts about the Microsoft cloud: 

  • Myth 1: Microsoft employees will have unfettered access to my data if I move to the cloud Fact: Multiple layers of protection prevent access to information from other tenants. With Microsoft, your data is always yours. 
  • Myth 2We don’t need to worry because we haven’t had a problem so far Fact: Hope is not a strategy. Your approach to security needs to assume there will be active – and successful – attempts to breach your firewall. Organizations need security systems and solutions that provide maximum defence against security breaches, as well as an agile, effective response when a breach does occur. 
  • Myth 3: Moving to the cloud makes compliance issues, such as categorizing data and reporting, more difficult. FactMicrosoft integrates compliance requirements and features throughout cloud services and datacenters. The Microsoft cloud can also help organizations meet xyz percent of their requirements. Office 365 includes access to features and tools like Compliance Manager and Content Search to assess and manage your risk, as well as Advanced Data Governance and Data Loss Prevention to help classify, protect, and monitor your data. 
  • Myth 4My company can always spend enough on security to keep our systems protected. Fact: It’s not only how much you spend, it’s how smart. Microsoft investments in research, development, and services provide enterprise-grade security even for companies without enterprise-size budgets. Office 365 provides up-to-date tools and capabilities to help keep your data secure.  

If you want to know more about Office 365 security, this eBook unpacks a lot more information.

If you want to know how to leverage Office 365 for your business, contact Convverge. 

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