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Digital Transformation or Renovation?
Digital Transformation or Digital Renovation…What is the Difference?
Digital Transformation (DT or DX) is the hot buzz term right now in our space and it is only building momentum. Buzz terms are great, but sometimes a particular word makes an idea a little too big and daunting. So, before you throw the idea of digital transformation out with the bathwater…let’s take a closer look at digital transformation vs. digital renovation.
What is Digital Transformation?
Simply put, it is the act of bringing in new technology to your company to improve your services or business. By replacing old technology and manual processes with newer tech thinking, it leads to improved timeliness, communication, and better data insights. Digital transformation is a strategy that is widely accessible and user-friendly when it is properly designed to suit your business. The goal is that well executed DT leads to better decision making and improved financial performance.
Where Leaders often get stuck with Digital Transformation?
Quite often, it is the size, scale, and cost of the undertaking. A good analogy is thinking of this in terms of your home. When your partner suggests a complete rebuild of your home, the end strategy makes a lot of sense because the layout isn’t working for you anymore. But the confusion and headaches start when you look at the effort – the type of work, the expertise, and the budget – needed to complete the massive transformation project.
So, what happens when we reframe the conversation to Digital Renovation?
In the home analogy, when the conversation shifts to a smaller idea of renovating a room that idea can feel like a much easier place to start. Tackling a kitchen update versus an entire house is doable, affordable, and adds long-term value. This same thinking is applicable in the digital space too. A ‘digital renovation’ is just a smaller piece of the bigger digital transformation strategy – it feels doable, affordable, and a good place to start.
But don’t forget… (yes, there’s always a but)
With any renovation – one project will inevitably lead to more. Therefore, a good plan at the start of a reno is a critical first step to long-term transformation success. After all, no one wants to end up with a bunch of rooms (or solutions) that don’t fit together or add value.
Where to start with your digital business vision?
That’s where our team can really lend a hand with companies that are Microsoft-focused shops. This space moves quickly and your in-house digital team is going to need a strategic partner. At Convverge, we are experts at looking at a business and applying our understanding of tools and solutions to help put the plan together to build, efficient automated processes, workflows, and visual reporting solutions that fit your business. Ultimately, we help our clients make better decisions, faster. This way they can get ahead of the competition – and improve that bottom line. Contact us anytime to get the conversation going.