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Benefits of SharePoint 2013 for B2B Document Sharing
Many RefineCo customers in the Calgary oil and gas industry share documents with each other or with their vendors. It’s how business gets done.
Documents have historically been shared through email, until the corporate Exchange server complains that the attachment file sizes are getting too large. Then some turn to Dropbox or Box.net for document sharing until the corporate network administrator shuts them down due to the insufficient security features of these tools.
Enter SharePoint 2013.
SharePoint 2013 is an excellent B2B collaboration tool. It allows for the quick creation of a document sharing workspace. SharePoint also comes with many basic document management features such as version control, check-in check-out, and publishing. Additionally, since SharePoint is part of the Microsoft stack, your IT department won’t complain about the out-of-the-box security configuration.
RefineCo has helped many companies with their B2B document sharing needs by leveraging SharePoint 2013, either on premise or in the cloud. Depending on our customer’s requirements, these solutions have varied from both basic and out-of-the-box, to customized and feature-rich.
Call us, we want to listen to your needs.