Data & Analytics

Gain deep insights and actionable data.

A wealth of data flows through your business, but you need powerful tools to capture it and extract valuable information. Convverge will modernize your data framework, equipping you with the means to unlock the potential of business intelligence by enhancing your data processing, predictive analytics, process automation, and pattern recognition. With customized data visualization, streamlined team communication, and improved accessibility, your entire team will be able to make smart, fast, and impactful decisions for your business.

Why work with Convverge?

We’re a tenacious team of communicators with a genuine love of technology. We live and breathe customer success — and we believe that our ability to share ideas and suggest solutions in jargon-free conversations will make us a valuable extension of your team.

Key solutions offered

& Analytics

We offer data and analytics services that provide a comprehensive view of your business, so you can make data-informed decisions.

Data Foundation Design

We structure and optimize your data stores for peak performance and actionable insights.

AI and Machine Learning Implementations

Harness the power of Azure AI tools for predictive analytics, automated insights, and smarter decision-making.

IoT Integration

Analyze data from connected devices to unlock valuable business intelligence.

Data Reporting

Tailored Power BI dashboards deliver intuitive insights aligned with your business objectives.

Collaborative Reporting

Seamlessly integrate reporting tools within Teams and SharePoint for collaborative data analysis.

Big Data Processing and Analytics

Utilize Azure Synapse Analytics for unified big data processing, from ingestion to serving immediate BI and machine learning needs.

Data Warehouse Solutions

Implement Azure SQL Data Warehouse for scalable, high-performance data storage and analytics.

Real-Time Analytics

Leverage Azure Stream Analytics for instant insights from fast-moving data streams.

Data Lake Creation and Management

Build and manage data lakes with Azure Data Lake Storage, ensuring scalability and security for vast datasets.

Predictive Analytics with Azure Machine Learning

Create, train, and deploy predictive models for informed decision-making.

Data Governance and Compliance

Ensure data governance and compliance with Microsoft Purview, safeguarding your data across the organization.

Technology Leveraged

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner, Convverge will recommend and put cloud technology services to work for your business.

Microsoft Fabric

Offers a comprehensive set of analytics experiences designed to work together seamlessly.

Azure Synapse

Enterprise analytics service that accelerates time to insight across data warehouses and big data systems.

Azure Databricks

Unified, open analytics platform for building, deploying, sharing, and maintaining enterprise-grade data, analytics, and AI solutions at scale.

Azure Data Services

Comprehensive range of secure, fully managed cloud data services.

Power BI

Dynamic data visualization tool that integrates across various data sources.

Azure AI

Set of AI services and cognitive APIs to help you build intelligent apps.

Azure IoT Hub

Connect, monitor, and manage billions of IoT assets.

Microsoft Purview

Manage your data with a unified data governance solution that helps you maximize the business value of your data.

Advanced data & analytics FAQs

How can Convverge’s data and analytics services transform my business?

Convverge specializes in enabling businesses with modern frameworks for data inputs, storage, and visual reporting. Our team provides expert guidance in foundational design and structure, leveraging technologies like RPA, IoT, and AI to transform your business into a more data-driven and predictive entity, ultimately enabling better decision-making and uncovering new opportunities.

What makes Convverge an ideal Microsoft consulting partner?

Convverge is composed of a passionate team skilled in technology and communication. We excel in understanding your needs and delivering solutions in a clear, comprehensible manner, making us a valuable extension of your team for leveraging Microsoft technologies.

How does Convverge approach data foundation design and what are its benefits?

Our approach to data foundation design involves setting up and structuring your data storage for optimal performance and insights. This ensures that your organization can effectively harness and analyze data, leading to more informed decisions and a competitive edge in your industry.

Can Convverge assist in integrating IoT data for my business?

Yes, Convverge offers IoT integration services, enabling your business to analyze data from connected devices. This integration helps derive actionable business intelligence, enhancing your operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.

What tools does Convverge use for visual data reporting and collaborative reporting?

We utilize Power BI for dynamic and tailored visual data reporting. Power BI allows for collaborative data analysis and decision-making, empowering your team to respond quickly to business needs.

How does Convverge leverage Azure Data Services and AI in its solutions?

Convverge leverages Azure Data Services for secure and fully managed cloud data services, and Azure AI for predictive analytics and automation. These technologies are instrumental in building intelligent, data-driven applications that can significantly enhance your business operations.

Our Partner

you can trust

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner, Convverge has a high-level of expertise with Microsoft technologies for business. These include Business Applications, Data & AI, Digital & App Innovation, Infrastructure, Security, and Modern Workplace.

Ready to chat the potential of advanced data & analytics?


Convverge serves clients worldwide from our offices in three major Canadian cities.


Suite 920, 150 9th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3H9


701 W Georgia St #1500

Vancouver, BC, V7V 1G5


2967 Dundas St W #655

Toronto, ON, M6P 1Z2